1 legislative leadership
Англо-русский экономический словарь > legislative leadership
2 legislative leadership
1) Юридический термин: законодательная инициатива2) Политика: законодательное руководствоУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > legislative leadership
3 legislative leadership
4 legislative leadership
Politics english-russian dictionary > legislative leadership
5 leadership
nруководство, управление; руководителиto challenge smb for the leadership — претендовать на занимаемый кем-л. пост лидера
to contest the party leadership — претендовать на / бороться за руководство партией
to disunite the leadership — разобщать / раскалывать руководство
to divide the leadership — вносить раскол в руководство; вбивать клин между руководителями
to exercise / to exert leadership — осуществлять руководство
to fight off a challenge to one's leadership — отстаивать свою должность руководителя
to re-assert one's leadership — вновь утверждать свое руководство
to secure the political leadership of one's country — добиваться политического руководства своей страной
- accepted leadershipto support one's leadership — поддерживать свое руководство
- accession to the leadership
- adequate leadership
- aggressive leadership
- aging leadership
- central leadership
- change of leadership
- coalition leadership
- coherent leadership
- collective leadership
- competent leadership
- contender for leadership
- daring leadership
- day-by-day leadership
- democratic leadership
- dissatisfaction with the political leadership
- effective leadership
- hand-over of leadership
- incompetent leadership
- joint leadership
- leadership of a party
- legislative advocacy leadership
- legislative leadership
- military leadership
- military-political leadership
- mixed leadership
- national leadership
- old-guard leadership
- party leadership
- personal leadership
- political leadership
- present leadership - provisional leadership
- recognized leadership
- responsible leadership
- rotating leadership
- shakeup in the leadership
- single leadership
- skilful leadership
- stable leadership
- state leadership
- strong leadership
- style of leadership
- successive leadership
- sweeping change of leadership
- top leadership
- trade-union leadership
- under smb's leadership
- under the leadership of
- unified leadership
- union leadership
- world leadership -
6 leadership
7 legislative process
юр., пол. законодательный процесс (совокупность процедур и действий, осуществляемых в ходе создания, обсуждения и принятия какого-л. закона)See: -
8 legislative advocacy leadership
Политика: агитация, обработка члена парламента в кулуарахУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > legislative advocacy leadership
9 legislative advocacy leadership
агитация; обработка члена парламента в кулуарахPolitics english-russian dictionary > legislative advocacy leadership
10 policy committee
пол., амер. политический комитет (партийный комитет, в котором, как правило, обсуждают позиции партии по отношению к рассматриваемой законодательной инициативе)Democratic Policy Committee — Политический комитет Демократической партии, Демократический политический комитет
Republican Policy Committee — Республиканский политический комитет, Политический комитет Республиканской партии
See: -
1) Американизм: Leadership Ethics Achievement And Development2) Военный термин: Leadership, Education, And Development, Letterkenny Army Deport, List of Emerging Activations and Dispositions, Low-Cost Encryption/Authentication Device3) Религия: Leadership Evangelism And Discipleship, Leadership Excellence Authenticity Discipleship, Learning Encouragement Application And Discipleship, Live Evangelize Assurance Disciple4) Юридический термин: Leadership Education The Anti Drug, Legal Education To Arrest Delinquency, Legal Experience And Academic Development, Legislative Education And Awareness Day, Linking Efforts Against Drugs6) Деловая лексика: Leadership Effectiveness And Adaptability Description, Leadership Empowerment And Development, Leadership Enhancement And Development, Leadership Excellence Action And Dedication, Leadership Experience And Development, Leading Edge Administrators Determining, Lean Enterprise Across Disciplines7) Образование: Leadership Education Action And Development, Leadership Education Advocacy And Determination, Leadership Education Advocacy And Development, Leadership Education And Academic Development, Leadership Education Application And Discovery, Leadership Education Application Discovery, Leadership Enrichment Acceptance And Development, Leadership Excellence Achievement And Diversity, Letting Education Achieve Dreams, Levittown Educators Against Drugs, Lindsay Extreme Action Development8) Химическое оружие: Letterkenny Army Depot, [Chambersburg, PA]9) Безопасность: low cost encryption and authentication device10) Расширение файла: Live Early Adoption and Demonstration (W3C)11) Общественная организация: Local Economic Advocacy For Democracy12) Программное обеспечение: Laser Engraved Application Development -
12 lead
1) Американизм: Leadership Ethics Achievement And Development2) Военный термин: Leadership, Education, And Development, Letterkenny Army Deport, List of Emerging Activations and Dispositions, Low-Cost Encryption/Authentication Device3) Религия: Leadership Evangelism And Discipleship, Leadership Excellence Authenticity Discipleship, Learning Encouragement Application And Discipleship, Live Evangelize Assurance Disciple4) Юридический термин: Leadership Education The Anti Drug, Legal Education To Arrest Delinquency, Legal Experience And Academic Development, Legislative Education And Awareness Day, Linking Efforts Against Drugs6) Деловая лексика: Leadership Effectiveness And Adaptability Description, Leadership Empowerment And Development, Leadership Enhancement And Development, Leadership Excellence Action And Dedication, Leadership Experience And Development, Leading Edge Administrators Determining, Lean Enterprise Across Disciplines7) Образование: Leadership Education Action And Development, Leadership Education Advocacy And Determination, Leadership Education Advocacy And Development, Leadership Education And Academic Development, Leadership Education Application And Discovery, Leadership Education Application Discovery, Leadership Enrichment Acceptance And Development, Leadership Excellence Achievement And Diversity, Letting Education Achieve Dreams, Levittown Educators Against Drugs, Lindsay Extreme Action Development8) Химическое оружие: Letterkenny Army Depot, [Chambersburg, PA]9) Безопасность: low cost encryption and authentication device10) Расширение файла: Live Early Adoption and Demonstration (W3C)11) Общественная организация: Local Economic Advocacy For Democracy12) Программное обеспечение: Laser Engraved Application Development -
13 LTC
1) Общая лексика: low temperature condensation, low temperature condensation unit2) Компьютерная техника: line-traffic coordinator3) Медицина: Long Term Care4) Спорт: Loosing Trick Count5) Военный термин: Leadership Training Class, Long Term Captive, lieutenant colonel6) Техника: logic-to-current converter, местные технические условия7) Юридический термин: Legislative Transportation Committee (Washington)8) Сокращение: Lawn Tennis Club, Long Term Contract, Long Term Costings (UK budgetary process), Long Time Constant, Longitudinal Time Code, lattice9) Университет: Local Training Centre10) Электроника: Lithographic Test Chip11) Вычислительная техника: Line Termination Coordinator, Linux Technology Center (Linux, Unix, IBM), Longitudinal Time Code (Video)12) Банковское дело: соотношение стоимости актива к сумме кредита, соотношение стоимости товара к сумме кредита, соотношение суммы покупки к сумме кредита, соотношение цены товара к сумме кредита13) Деловая лексика: Leaders Training Course, Leadership Training Conference14) Бурение: long-threaded connection15) Образование: Leadership Training Camp, Levittown Teachers Center16) Программирование: linear time code17) Химическое оружие: Leaker transport container18) Макаров: light-transfer characteristic19) Электротехника: load tap change20) Общественная организация: Little Traverse Conservancy21) NYSE. L T C Properties, Inc. -
14 election
n1) выборы2) избрание•to accept an election — соглашаться с избранием; принимать избрание
to be well placed to win the next general election — занимать хорошие позиции для того, чтобы победить на следующих всеобщих выборах
to bode ill for next year's election — служить плохим предзнаменованием для выборов, которые состоятся на будущий год
to bring the election forward — приближать дату проведения выборов; проводить выборы досрочно
to call an election — назначать / объявлять выборы
to call off / to cancel election — отменять выборы
to carry out one's election pledges — выполнять предвыборные обещания
to congratulate smb on his / her election — поздравлять кого-л. с избранием
to defend the strongly contested results of the election — защищать активно оспариваемые результаты выборов
to disqualify smb from taking part in the general election — лишать кого-л. права участвовать во всеобщих выборах
to give a guarded welcome to smb's election — сдержанно приветствовать чье-л. избрание
to go ahead with the election — принимать решение о проведении выборов (несмотря на что-л.)
to hold election under one's own terms — проводить выборы на своих условиях
to lead the government into the next general election — руководить правительством до следующих всеобщих выборов
to lose an election by a margin of the five seats — проигрывать выборы, получив на пять мест меньше соперника
to nominate smb for election — выдвигать чью-л. кандидатуру
to schedule election for January — намечать / планировать выборы на январь
to seek a second term in the presidential election — добиваться переизбрания на второй срок на президентских выборах
to stand against a party in election — выступать против какой-л. партии на выборах
to stand for election — баллотироваться на выборах, выставлять свою кандидатуру
- aftermath of an electionto trail far behind in the election — намного отставать от кого-л. на выборах
- alleged irregularities during the election
- all-out election
- all-race election
- annulment of the election
- apartheid election
- assessment of the election outcome
- bitterly contested election
- bread-and-butter election
- call for free election
- cancellation of the election
- cantonal election
- close election
- comfortable election
- coming election
- competitive election
- conclusion of the election
- Congressional election
- consequences of the election
- contested election
- contribution to the election
- controversial election
- council election
- counting continued in local government election
- crucial election
- defeat at an election
- deferment of election
- democratic election
- direct election for the presidency
- disputed election
- disruption of election
- early election
- election by proportional representation
- election comes amid increasing tension
- election goes into a second round
- election has continued into its second unscheduled day
- election has entered its final stages
- election held several months ahead of schedule
- election is far from straightforward
- election on a factory and enterprise basis
- election on a population basis
- election saw violence
- election seems to be in the bag for smb
- election was a farce
- election was a neck and neck race
- election was conducted peacefully
- election was successful
- election will be about deciding...
- election will go ahead as scheduled
- election will result in a victory for...
- elections are a day away
- elections are being held throughout the country
- elections are due
- elections to an assembly
- Euro-election
- fair election
- federal election
- fiercely fought election
- forthcoming election
- free election
- full election
- general election
- genuine election
- gubernatorial election
- hell-bent for election
- his election is already assured
- honest election
- if the next election goes against them
- illegitimate election
- impending election
- inconclusive election
- issue in the election
- leadership election
- legislative election
- local council election
- local election
- local government election
- low turnout for the election
- mayoral election
- midterm election
- mock election
- multiracial election
- national election
- national legislative election
- new-style election
- nonracial election
- nullification of the election
- off-year election
- open election
- orderly conduct of an election
- outcome of the election
- outright winner in an election
- parliamentary election
- party eligible to stand in the election
- party's poor showing in the election
- popular election
- presidential election
- pre-term election
- prompt election
- provincial election
- racially segregated election
- rehearsal for a general election
- re-run of election
- rigged election
- rigged-up election
- rigging of election
- right to vote in the election
- run-off election
- run-up to the election
- semi-free election
- sham election
- smb is well on course to win the general election
- special election
- staged election
- statute of election
- stealing of election
- strong showing in an election
- tainted election
- that could lose them the election
- the first round of election has ended inconclusively
- the scene is set for presidential election
- there is no clear outcome of the election
- this side of the general election
- tough election
- two-stage election
- unofficial results in the election
- upcoming election
- valid election
- war-torn election
- watershed election
- winning the election was the easy bit
- with the election looking in the country
- writ for a general election -
15 office
управление; департамент; комитет; отдел; бюро; секретариат, канцелярия; разг. кабина экипажаJoint Service Cruise Missile Program [Project] office — объединенное управление разработки КР (для ВВС и ВМС)
office of Information, Navy — информационное управление ВМС
office of Research, Development and Evaluation — управление НИОКР ВМС
office of the Chief, Army Reserve — управление резерва СВ
office of the Comptroller, Navy — управление главного финансового инспектора ВМС
office of the Deputy COFS for Research, Development and Acquisition — управление заместителя НШ по НИОКР и закупкам (СВ)
office, Aerospace Research — управление воздушно-космических исследований
office, Analysis and Review — управление анализа и контроля потребностей
office, Armor Force Management and Standardization — управление по вопросам администрации и стандартизации бронетанковых войск
office, Assistant COFS for Force Development — управление ПНШ по строительству ВС
office, Assistant COFS for Intelligence — управление ПНШ по разведке
office, Assistant COFS — управление [отдел] ПНШ
office, Assistant Secretary of Defense — аппарат [секретариат] ПМО
office, Chief of Chaplains — управление начальника службы военных священников (СВ)
office, Chief of Civil Affairs — управление по связям с гражданской администрацией и населением
office, Chief of Engineers — управление начальника инженерных войск
office, Chief of Finance (and Accounting) — управление начальника финансовой службы (СВ)
office, Chief of Legislative Liaison — отдел связи с законодательными органами
office, Chief of Ordnance — управление начальника артиллерийско-технической службы (СВ)
office, Chief of R&D — управление НИОКР (СВ)
office, Chief of Transportation — управление [отдел] начальника транспортной службы
office, Chief, Chemical Corps — управление начальника химической службы
office, COFS for Operations — оперативное управление НШ
office, COFS, Army — аппарат НШ СВ
office, Consolidated Personnel — управление гражданских рабочих и служащих
office, Coordinator of Army Studies — управление координатора разработок СВ
office, Defense Transportation — управление военно-транспортной службы
office, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Air Warfare — управление заместителя НШ ВМС по боевому применению авиации
office, Deputy COFS for Aviation — отдел заместителя НШ по авиации (МП)
office, Deputy COFS for Installations and Logistics — управление заместителя НШ по расквартированию и тыловому обеспечению
office, Deputy COFS for Manpower — управление заместителя НШ по людским ресурсам
office, Deputy COFS for Operations and Training — управление заместителя НШ по оперативной и боевой подготовке
office, Deputy COFS for Plans and Logistics — управление заместителя НШ по планированию тылового обеспечения
office, Development and Engineering — отдел технических разработок (ЦРУ)
office, Development and Weapon Systems Analysis — управление разработки и анализа систем вооружения
office, Director of Development Planning — управление планирования строительства (ВВС)
office, Director of Foreign Intelligence — управление начальника внешней разведки
office, Distribution Services — отдел распределения и рассылки картографических изданий (МО)
office, Economic Research — отдел экономических исследований (ЦРУ)
office, Emergency Transportation — управление чрезвычайных перевозок
office, Employment Policy and Grievance Review — отдел по вопросам занятости и рассмотрению жалоб (СВ)
office, Federal Procurement Policy — управление разработки федеральной политики в области закупок
office, Force Planning and Analysis — управление планирования и анализа строительства ВС
office, General Council — управление генерального юрисконсульта
office, Geographic and Cartographic Research — отдел географических и картографических исследований (ЦРУ)
office, Imagery Analysis — отдел анализа видовой информации (ЦРУ)
office, Information and Legal Affairs — управление информации и права (МО)
office, Information for. the Armed Forces — управление информации ВС
office, JCS — аппарат КНШ
office, Judge Advocate General — управление начальника военно-юридической службы
office, Management and Budget — административно-бюджетное управление
office, Military Assistance — управление по оказанию военной помощи
office, Personnel Manager — отдел кадров (СВ)
office, Services and Information Agency — отдел управления информационного обеспечения
office, Special Assistant for Logistical Support of Army Aircraft — отдел специального помощника по вопросам МТО армейской авиации
office, Special Assistant for Logistical Support of Tactical Communications — отдел специального помощника по вопросам МТО тактических систем связи
office, the Inspector General — управление генерального инспектора
office, the Legislative Affairs — управление военного законодательства
office, Under Secretary of Navy — аппарат заместителя министра ВМС
office, Under Secretary of the Air Force — аппарат заместителя министра ВВС
Personnel, Plans and Training office — отдел по вопросам ЛС, планирования и боевой подготовки
Strategic Objectives [Targets] Planning office — управление планирования стратегических задач (КНШ)
Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Night Observation System office — управление разработки систем наблюдения, засечки целей и ПНВ
— Resources Management office -
16 organ
nорган; государственное учреждение- control organto establish an organ — учреждать / создавать орган
- coordinating organ
- decision-making organ
- deliberating organ
- deliberative organ
- fact-finding organ
- higher organ
- intergovernmental organ
- international organ
- judicial organ
- legislative organ
- local organ
- main organ
- negotiating organ
- organ of political leadership
- organ of state power
- organs for international relations
- organs of justice
- permanent organ
- policy-making organ
- political organ
- principal organ
- public organ
- punitive organ
- regional organ
- state organ
- subsidiary organs of the UN
- subsidiary organs
- supervisory organ
- supreme organ
См. также в других словарях:
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Legislative Assembly (France) — During the French Revolution, the Legislative Assembly was the legislature of France from October 1 1791 to September 1792. It provided the focus of political debate and revolutionary law making between the periods of the National Constituent… … Wikipedia
Legislative Research Commission — The Legislative Research Commission (LRC) is an agency of Kentucky state government that supports the state legislature, the Kentucky General Assembly. [cite web |url=http://www.lrc.ky.gov/Org Adm/LRC/aboutlrc.htm |title=About the Legislative… … Wikipedia
Maine Legislative Youth Advisory Council — The Maine Legislative Youth Advisory Council (LYAC) (established 2002) advises the Legislature, legislative leadership and legislative committees on issues related to youth. Its statutory role as an ongoing “advisory council” to the Maine… … Wikipedia
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